Growth city
The city has an average population growth of at least 1.3% per year over the past 5 years.
Harbor city
The area of ports within the municipality is over 1%.
Wealthy city
The NUTS 3 region of the city has a GDP (in PPS) larger than 40,000 per inhabitant.
Tourist city
The NUTS 2 region of the city has had more than 7,000 overnight stays per 1,000 inhabitants by tourists.
Resettlement city
The city has an estimated influx 23 of more than 10 refugees per 1,000 inhabitants (January-June 2015) or the city has more than 6 asylum applicants per 1,000 inhabitants (Jan-October, 2015).
XL city
The number of inhabitants in the city is between 0,5 and 1 million.